Bathurst Drinking Game…

So, the greatest car race in the world is on this Sunday, and I love nothing better than watching it with mates and getting drunk.

Last year we devised a drinking game for the Bathurst 1000 to help us along the way (it’s a long race!)

This year, me and my mates are doing it again. Does anyone have any ideas of how we can improve it?


The traditional Bathurst V8 Supercar drinking game rules

Any of the following conditions incur one sip:
– Each time a pit stop time is mentioned
– A replay of any crash (including minor bumps and sideswipes) and incidents of cars going off the track into sandpits, or across stretches of lawn.

Any of the following conditions incur one mouthful:
– A VB advertisement (this includes the small ones across the bottom of the screen)
– Any views of Bathurst
– Any shots of entries into the ‘Best Banner’ competition

Any of the following conditions incur two mouthfuls:
– The start of a safety car period
– The end of a safety car period
– Every lap of a safety car period that extends longer than 2 laps
– Every time they show one of those bloody useless ‘technical’ pieces that describes how this year’s fuel pump works or whatever.

Any of the following conditions mean what ever is left of your drink must be finished:
– Anytime you hear a commentator’s mobile phone or they swear
– Skaife complaining about the appalling drivers he’s had to contend with
– Kelly and Murphy win the race again this year (actually, add a shot of ‘bucca onto this one)
– Every time Besnard goes off the track.

Extra drinking is allowed at any time, at drinker’s own risk.

About Mick

I've been around a while. I like to wrap myself around the warm security of the interwebs which have consumed me since 1993. I whinge, I rant, I crap on. Enjoy. View all posts by Mick

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